Denne mailen kom idag. Så fort det blir noen avklaring i en eller annen retning, så vil det komme info om dette!
Dear friends EBSF delegates and staff members,
We have to face a very bad situation :
You have to know that the Dobbiaco Shooting Range is the Italian Army property and the Dobbiaco Shooting Club is just «allowed» to use it.After 30 year of stability the Army, without advertising, decided to change the topography of the range for future biathlon competition, so they began to remove a lot of materials from the mountain as you can see on the pictures and store it on the back and front of the firing line without being able to tell when the range will be useable again.
The Dobbiaco Shooting Club wrote to us, EBSF telling, with a lot of apologies, that with this situation they are no more able to hold the 2012 European Championship.
The Italian Benchrest Shooting Association is looking for an alternative Shooting Range, but in the mean time, I would like to know if any country is offering his contribution to held this Championship, for example is Finland able to advance by 2 year the competition ? Or Austria can help again to save the situation ?
Sorry for this disappointing news. Hoping that we will find an alternative solution before the end of this year.
Best regards
JC Braconi
EBSF President